Stanford University Child Development Course 100% Completed

2 min read

Integrating Knowledge From Stanford Into Holistic Motherhood Coaching

Encouraged by my family, I freely and happily chartered my boat where my waters flow, and today, I’m delighted to announce the completion of the Child Development: Behavior and Mental Health course at Stanford University! Kudos to the incredible Stanford community for fostering an environment where learning is not just a task but a real experience.

And that’s not all! Fuelled by my personal experience, academic background in Children’s psychology & social development, and all the knowledge I’ve gained at Stanford’s recently, I am thrilled to integrate these learnings into my career as a Motherhood Coach and help other moms navigate their challenges.

It’s not just about picking up where I left off long ago; it’s about believing in the crucial need for science-based guidance for the holistic well-being of moms at any stage of motherhood.

Will sound naïve, I know, but I believe in a world where moms feel heard and maintain a healthy balance with their own bodies, family challenges, and career development. Although I can’t change the world, I am committed to bringing this vision to life for my clients.

If you are a mother (or know one) in need of a confident space to be heard and to find balance in motherhood without feeling overwhelmed or losing yourself; if you ever find yourself caught in the loop of guilt, juggling office deadlines and bedtime stories; struggling to (re)discover and nurture your feminine self while being a mom, read about my motherhood journey and the topics I coach on at